
Showing posts from February, 2011


While in Ethiopia, my travel buddy Marybeth and I would try to list at least five things we were thankful for before going to sleep under our mosquito nets (and then we'd pray they wouldn't cave in on us). I've been trying to pick up this practice again, and it has really brought an attitude of gratitude back into my life here. I thought I would share some of these thanksgivings with you... - for a new friend who keeps me sane, and yet keeps me insane enough to keep asking questions so things may one day change - for beautiful Tucson sunsets - for farmers markets - for the old couple swing dancing at the bar last night - for 3 am cookies - for gchat - for so much laughter at dinner and joy being brought back into our wonderful community at 1229 - for piano music in the mail! - for my new nickname at the shelter: "salad girl" - for the new hole in our ceiling that "really opens up our living room" (thanks Ali) - for the physiology lessons duri

Holy Ground

"For this is Holy Ground..." She took off her shoes, for this is holy ground. Tonight we went to the memorial at UMC. There were some path type things among all the candles, flowers, posters, etc so that you could walk along and reflect/pray/think. I walked along the pavement part to see what was along the edge and as I approached the grassy section's pathway, I noticed my housemate's shoes on the outside portion. She left her shoes- she took them off. This roommate of mine- never ceases to amaze me. The way she uses her words and her actions so thoughtfully. The unique connection she can find with a moment or a place that is so obviously connected to her spirit. She moved through the labrynth of memorial with such intentionality. in her bare feet- her feet so connected with that holy ground that connects us all. This beautiful soul who reaches out to hug me and tell me "it's ok." Because she knows- she knows it will be. Because she remembers that no ma