
While in Ethiopia, my travel buddy Marybeth and I would try to list at least five things we were thankful for before going to sleep under our mosquito nets (and then we'd pray they wouldn't cave in on us). I've been trying to pick up this practice again, and it has really brought an attitude of gratitude back into my life here. I thought I would share some of these thanksgivings with you...

- for a new friend who keeps me sane, and yet keeps me insane enough to keep asking questions so things may one day change
- for beautiful Tucson sunsets
- for farmers markets
- for the old couple swing dancing at the bar last night
- for 3 am cookies
- for gchat
- for so much laughter at dinner and joy being brought back into our wonderful community at 1229
- for piano music in the mail!
- for my new nickname at the shelter: "salad girl"
- for the new hole in our ceiling that "really opens up our living room" (thanks Ali)
- for the physiology lessons during case-management appointments
- for a lost shoe found 3 weeks later (outside, on the street, by Stevie)
- for figuring out why I'm so bad at pool (in the middle of the night while not being able to sleep)
- for glimpses of Jesus in the most unexpected places and people to remind me that God is here and worth living for again.

And I'm thankful for each of you and all your support, too!



  1. This makes me want to go and find my journal to recount our lists.

    I'm thankful for you my dear. Thank you for continuing to seek out who God is calling you to be and for letting us come along on the journey.


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